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Jaw Angle Augmentation

A face that is perceived as beautiful always has a well-formed and defined facial shape. This includes, above all, the contour of the lower, lateral facial margin at the transition to the neck area, the chin and neck contour. By building up the jaw angle using an implant, this area can be accentuated, the skin tightened and a double chin and sagging cheeks reduced forever.

Aesthetic procedures are possible throughout the entire facial area to achieve a harmonious facial profile. In many cases, even a small change in the jaw angle can achieve enormous improvements. Maxillofacial surgery can sustainably enhance your facial aesthetics and boost your self-esteem.

Aesthetic Corrections with Harmonious Proportions

An aesthetic correction of the mandibular angle should only change the face gently, taking into account the individual harmony of the proportions. This way, a natural result is achieved that elegantly brings out your unique beauty.

Duration of the treatment

2–3 Hours

Fit for everyday life

After 2 weeks

Follow-up treatment

Suture removal after 14 days, lymphatic drainage, and special dressing

Clinic stay

Inpatient for one night

The most frequently asked questions

Jaw angle augmentation is an aesthetic procedure in which implants are used to accentuate the contour of the lower jaw. This creates a defined chin and neck line, tightens the skin, and permanently reduces double chin and jowls.

Jaw angle augmentation is performed under general anesthesia through the oral cavity, ensuring no visible scars. A custom-fitted implant made of biocompatible material, such as Medpor, is inserted.

After about two weeks, you will be fit to resume your daily activities. Swelling may persist for up to ten days. During the first four weeks, only soft foods should be consumed, and sporting activities should be avoided for six weeks.

Yes, the result of the procedure is permanent. The implant used remains stable and provides a long-lasting defined chin and neck contour.

No, the procedure is performed through the oral cavity, so no externally visible scars are left.

Yes, jaw angle augmentation is often combined with chin correction or lower jaw correction to further harmonize facial proportions and achieve an optimal aesthetic result.

Defined Contour and Double Chin Reduction with Jaw Angle Correction

With mandibular angle implants, you can achieve a permanently beautifully defined chin and neck contour.

The natural jaw angle of a person is at the rear transition from the lower jaw to the neck. If this contour is weakly developed, the face appears roundish. Over time, the cheek and neck area ‘blurs’ due to the sinking of fat and skin tissue. By building up the jaw angle using an implant, this area can be surgically accentuated and the skin tightened again.

Eliminating Double Chin and Age-Related Sagging Jowls

This method gives the face a defined, well-formed contour and the ‘sagging cheeks’ caused by the aging process disappear. The extent to which the implant should run forward along the edge of the lower jaw is defined individually. The implant used is made of a specially developed body-compatible material, the shape of which can be individually adapted to each patient.

Before-and-after pictures

Natural-Looking, Permanent Results Without External Scars<

The jaw angle build-up is painless, does not change the position of the teeth and does not leave any visible scarring, as the operation is performed through the oral cavity. On the day of the treatment, our patient receives a general anaesthetic and can go home the very next day. You can expect swelling in the first ten days after the jaw angle build-up, but after that you can look forward to a permanent result that shows a beautiful definition in the lateral mandibular rim and neck area. For patients with a small, receding chin, we recommend a combination of a jaw angle build-up and a chin correction.

The material consists of body-friendly and well-tolerated Medpor, which has been used in medicine for decades as a replacement material. On request, it can also be made from individually manufactured Peek implants.

Permanently Removes Double Chin and Provides a Beautiful, Contoured Chin and Neck Line

Combined with a chin edge advancement, the jaw angle reconstruction replaces the conventional facelift without restricting facial expressions and ensures a lifelong, rejuvenating, aesthetic and natural appearance.

Pronounced Mandibular Angle

If the lower jaw is strongly pronounced, the lower part of the face can appear very broad, which is particularly noticeable in the side profile. In this case, maxillofacial surgery can also correct the mandibular angle to create an aesthetic appearance.

Procedure for Jaw Angle Augmentation

The jaw angle reconstruction using a jaw angle implant is performed under general anaesthesia, which is why you will stay overnight at the SailerClinic. The day after the procedure, our specialist doctors will perform a check-up, after which you may go home. Within the following four weeks, you should only eat soft food and avoid sports and strenuous activity for six weeks. The stitches will be removed after about a week.

The procedure takes between two and three hours, depending on the type of jaw angle structure. You will not be able to work until the stitches are removed after about a week and should take it easy. If necessary, a chin correction or a correction of the lower jaw may be required after the jaw angle structure. However, your specialist will of course provide you with detailed information about this before your procedure.

If an angle implant is placed, the cost depends on the type of implant and the extent of the procedure. The same applies to the angle structure costs. Of course, we will inform you of all expected costs before the procedure.

Aesthetic Maxillofacial Surgery

Modern aesthetic maxillofacial surgery not only enables impressive improvements to be made to the aesthetics of your face but can also effectively eliminate functional restrictions.

Our aim is to perfect the harmony of your individual face and to increase your sense of well-being in the long term. The experienced team at the SailerClinic is happy to answer your questions and discuss possible approaches. Contact us today – we look forward to helping you on your way to a more pleasant appearance.

Your expert team

Hermann F. Sailer
Prof. Dr. med., Dr. med. dent., Dr. h. c. mult., Dr. sc. h. c. mult.

Specialist in oral, maxillofacial, and facial surgery, founder of the clinic, senior director

Martin Lanzer
PD Dr. Dr. med. Dr. med. dent., eMBA

Specialist in oral, maxillofacial, and facial surgery, clinic director and CEO

Do you have questions? Contact us.

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"After the surgery, I finally see the person I’ve always been on the inside. My confidence has increased tremendously, and I no longer hide from the world. Thank you to the team."

Angela B., Aesthetic Surgery Patient