Treatment for Snoring
Nowadays, millions of people suffer from snoring. Nighttime snoring occurs in around 25 per cent of people, with men generally more affected than women. Those affected are often unaware that they are snoring – but their partners are all the more aware. The nightly ‘sawing’ not only affects the quality of sleep of the snorer and their loved ones, but can also become a health risk. Few people know that the surgical method ‘Rotation Advancement’ can achieve lasting healing.
Preventing Snoring
The rotation advancement operation treats the causes of snoring directly. The exact diameter of the upper respiratory tract is determined and measured, and the type of treatment is determined on this basis. There are several options available to stop your snoring, which differ depending on the type, cause and severity of the snoring.
The most common type is simply annoying, with varying degrees of audibility and no underlying medical condition. The second type, which is much more serious, is characterised by breathing pauses and a dangerous lack of oxygen supply.
If there is a constant oxygen deficit, also known as hypoxia, more stress hormones such as adrenaline are released. In the long term, this increases blood pressure and the heartbeat. As a result, the heart receives less oxygen.
This condition can lead to tachycardia, which increases the risk of cardiac arrhythmias and the likelihood of a stroke or heart attack.
The nightly lack of oxygen supply can also measurably affect the brain over time. For this reason, when diagnosing issues such as lack of motivation, burnout, and reduced performance, potential snoring and its causes are always considered. Often, those affected can significantly improve their snoring or obstructive sleep apnea—and thereby alleviate the mentioned conditions—by reducing excess body weight or cutting down on nicotine or alcohol consumption.
In addition to lifestyle, anatomical peculiarities can also be the cause of nocturnal snoring:
- The relationship between the upper and lower jaw
- The nature and patency of the nasal passages
- The shape and size of the lymphoid tissue in the area of the base of the tongue and palate (an operation to stop snoring may be necessary here)
Duration of the treatment
Depending on the type of treatment
Fit for everyday life
After one week
Follow-up treatment
Removal of the special dressing
Clinic stay
The most frequently asked questions
What are the causes of nighttime snoring?
Snoring can be caused by various factors, including:
- Anatomical features (e.g., misaligned jaws, narrowed nasal passages)
- Overweight, alcohol consumption, or smoking
- Enlarged lymphatic tissue in the tongue or palate area
- Chronic sinus infections
What treatment options are available for snoring?
The SailerClinic offers both conservative and surgical treatments:
- Conservative methods: Mandibular splints, back-sleep prevention vests, targeted soft palate training
- Surgical methods: Rotation Advancement surgery, correction of the nasal septum, treatment of sinus infections
How does the Rotation Advancement surgery work?
This method shifts the jaw forward, enlarging the upper airways by two to three times and thus sustainably treating the cause of snoring. The soft tissues are preserved, and no visible scars are formed, as the procedure is performed through the oral cavity.
When is snoring surgery necessary?
Surgery is necessary when conservative methods are insufficient or when anatomical features such as a deviated septum or severely narrowed airways are the cause of snoring.
Is snoring surgery painful?
No, the surgery is painless as it is performed on the jawbones, which have no pain sensation. Additionally, the procedure is carried out under general anesthesia or local anesthesia, depending on the method.
How long does recovery take after snoring surgery?
After one week, most patients are fit for everyday life. In procedures involving the nasal septum or sinuses, tamponade is often not required, and normal nasal breathing is immediately possible.
Conservative Treatments to Prevent Snoring
As a rule, no surgical intervention is required to treat snoring. Instead, forward displacement of the lower jaw using precisely fitted splints or back position prevention vests often provides a remedy. Furthermore, the soft palate can be strengthened through targeted training so that it has a vibration-reducing effect. If non-surgical therapies do not help, an operation to stop snoring is necessary.
What to Do About Snoring? – The Rotation Advancement Operation
By advancing the jaws, the insufficient forward growth is “caught up,” sustainably achieving a vital expansion of the upper airways by two to three times. Many sleep apnea patients wore braces as children, but these only addressed tooth alignment, not the retrusion of the jaws.
The Sensitive Soft Tissue Is Preserved
With the Rotation Advancement Method, the highly sensitive, supple and constantly moving soft tissue, such as the soft palate, uvula or base of the tongue, is protected. Interventions on these functional soft tissues are particularly painful and are therefore rejected at the SailerClinic. Every year, many snoring operations are carried out to rectify the damage which has arisen from them – damage which has led to speech disorders, nasal voice or other complaints such as fluid leaking out through the nose when swallowing.
Before-and-after pictures

The Procedure Leaves No Visible Scars and Is Painless
The procedure is performed on the jawbone. Since bones do not have any pain receptors, the operation is absolutely painless. The entire procedure is performed through the oral cavity; therefore, there are no externally visible scars.
Surgery for Snoring When the Nose Is the Cause
If anatomical abnormalities such as a displaced nasal septum are identified as triggers, a correction or repair can be helpful. In such cases, a titanium implant may be used to permanently stabilise the nasal septum in its correct position, thus eliminating snoring.
The advantage of this operation is that the patient can breathe through the nose again immediately afterwards. The procedure is performed under general or local anaesthesia and can be completed in under an hour. No tamponade is required afterwards and you can continue your daily routine and even do sports.
Snoring – What to Do When Sinuses Are Chronically Inflamed?
In the case of chronic inflammation of the paranasal sinuses, a complete clean-out is required, for which navigation-assisted surgery ensures a high level of safety. As a rule, no packing is required for this surgical procedure either.
Do You Want to Prevent Snoring in the Future?
At our clinic, you will find a competent and empathetic team that is happy to help you with problems related to snoring and its typical or unpleasant side effects. In a personal consultation and a thorough examination, we will determine which treatment method can solve your problem. We will work with you to create a treatment plan and schedule an appointment for your treatment. The cost of snoring surgery in Switzerland depends on the planned treatment method. We will be happy to provide you with an overview of the financial costs at your no-obligation consultation.
Your expert team

Hermann F. Sailer Prof. Dr. med., Dr. med. dent., Dr. h. c. mult., Dr. sc. h. c. mult.
Specialist in oral, maxillofacial, and facial surgery, founder of the clinic, senior director

Martin Lanzer PD Dr. Dr. med. Dr. med. dent., eMBA
Specialist in oral, maxillofacial, and facial surgery, clinic director and CEO
Do you have questions? Contact us.
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"After the surgery, I finally see the person I’ve always been on the inside. My confidence has increased tremendously, and I no longer hide from the world. Thank you to the team."
Angela B., Aesthetic Surgery Patient