Growth Disorders
A growth disorder (craniofacial syndrome) can manifest in various forms, ranging from simple underdevelopment of the jaw to severe, complex syndromes such as Down, Crouzon, Apert, Franceschetti, or Pfeiffer syndrome. The latter disorders vary in severity and affect different areas of the body.
A Growth Disorder is a Disease
The effects of a growth disorder can be limited to specific areas or affect multiple regions of the body simultaneously. Sometimes, only the skull and facial area are affected, while in other cases, changes may also appear in the hands, feet, or internal organs such as the heart. Combinations of various impairments often occur as well.
Many of our affected patients are significantly limited in their daily lives due to their growth disorders. Our goal is to accompany you on your path to recovery and work with you to ensure that you can live as healthily and unrestrictedly as possible.
Duration of the treatment
2–4 hours
Fit for everyday life
After 1–2 weeks
Follow-up treatment
Suture removal after 14 days, lymphatic drainage, and special dressing
Clinic stay
The most frequently asked questions
What are growth disorders and which areas of the body can be affected?
Growth disorders, also known as craniofacial syndromes, are congenital developmental abnormalities that can affect specific body regions such as the skull, face, jaw, hands, or internal organs. Often, combinations of various impairments occur, which can significantly impact the daily life of those affected.
What are the causes of growth disorders?
The causes of growth disorders lie in genetic and external influences that occur already in the womb. Often, a combination of several factors is responsible for their development.
How can growth disorders be treated?
Depending on the severity, treatment options range from regular check-ups to complex surgeries. The goal is to address functional limitations and sustainably improve the quality of life for those affected.
When is surgery necessary for growth disorders?
Surgery is often performed in cases of premature skull ossification (craniosynostosis) to provide the brain with enough space for development and to prevent damage. Other surgical measures include skull reshaping or bone stretching to compensate for growth deficiencies.
How is the treatment personalized?
The interdisciplinary team at SailerClinic creates a personalized treatment plan for each patient. This plan takes into account the specific needs and includes specialties such as facial surgery, orthodontics, speech therapy, and pediatric dentistry.
What are the long-term prospects for children with growth disorders?
Thanks to modern medicine, many limitations caused by growth disorders can be successfully treated or reduced. However, those affected often require lifelong care from specialists. The team at SailerClinic supports patients and their families throughout their entire treatment journey.
Areas of Growth Disorders
Since each growth disorder has a unique presentation, both diagnosis and treatment require an interdisciplinary approach. Therefore, at SailerClinic, a specialist in growth disorders always collaborates with experts in psychology and genetics to achieve the best possible outcome for you.
The sensory organs can also be affected by a growth disorder. If there is a malformation of the pinna, it is not formed correctly, which can cause hearing loss. In the eye area, the growth disorder can cause the distance between the eyes to be too large or too small. Additionally, the size of the skull itself can deviate from the normal ratio to the body.
Growth disorders not only affect a child’s appearance but also their overall development, potentially impairing various sensory functions such as hearing, seeing, tasting, or smelling. Some children with a growth disorder may develop additional difficulties, such as problems with speaking or eating.
The different types of growth disorders can vary in severity. While in some children only the skull area is affected, others may have malformations in extremities such as fingers or toes. In some cases, internal organs may also be underdeveloped or not fully formed.
Various examples of growth disorders that affect the skull, mouth area, eyes, chin, or ears can also involve the tongue, jaw, or palate. A common form of growth disorder is cleft lip and palate, while in other children, the tongue may develop excessively large (macroglossia). The jaw can also be affected, with the upper jaw being either too far forward, too far back, or underdeveloped, which shapes the appearance of the chin.
The sensory organs can also be affected by a growth disorder. In the case of a malformation of the pinna, it is not properly formed, which can lead to hearing loss. In the eye area, the growth disorder can result in the distance between the eyes being too large or too small. Additionally, the size of the skull itself can deviate from the normal ratio to the body.
In craniosynostosis, on the other hand, there is a malformation of the skull, which in the worst case can affect the development of the sensory organs and the brain. This occurs because the skull ossifies too early, preventing the head from developing fully.
Causes of Growth Disorders Originate in the Womb
The reasons for growth disorders lie in the abnormal development, which begins in the womb. Researchers suspect that, in the case of growth disorders, there are both genetic and external influences. In most cases, it is probably a combination of several factors which leads to the development of a growth disorder.
Before-and-after pictures

Treatment of Growth Disorders
Depending on the type and severity of the growth disorder, the spectrum of possible measures ranges from regular check-ups to more complex operations.
SailerClinic has extensive experience in treating growth disorders. Professor Sailer and his wife, Dr. Erica Sailer, have established several centers in India to treat such conditions ( Several hundred oral surgeons have been trained for this treatment, and tens of thousands of children have been helped. You can rely on us to do everything in our power to successfully treat or at least alleviate the growth disorder and its side effects.
For each child, we develop a personalized treatment plan together with you that takes their specific needs into account. To ensure optimal care, an interdisciplinary team of specialists works together at SailerClinic – including experts in orthodontics, facial surgery, speech therapy, pediatric dentistry, and hearing disorders.
Surgical and Other Treatments for Growth Disorders
If possible and necessary, growth disorders are treated surgically. This usually involves premature ossification of the skull or cranial sutures to give the brain sufficient space during the growth phase. Without appropriate treatment, the resulting internal pressure could cause serious damage to the brain. Modern medicine offers various surgical techniques that are used depending on the type and extent of the malformation.
One proven treatment for growth disorders is, for example, cranial remodelling. For this, parts of the skull are released and fixed in a new position.
It is also possible to stretch the bones by moving movable bone parts apart after they have been surgically separated. As the body grows, it fills the resulting holes with new bone material. This procedure provides more space for the brain to grow and reduces the risk of brain dysfunction.
Tackling Your Treatment Journey Together
Children with growth disorders require intensive care from medical specialists throughout their lives. This applies to both hormonal growth disorders and inherited growth disorders. Despite impressive progress in modern medicine and the wide range of treatment options available, sufferers and their families must expect that certain restrictions or impairments may remain. The SailerClinic team will actively support you every step of the way during your treatment.
Your expert team

Hermann F. Sailer Prof. Dr. med., Dr. med. dent., Dr. h. c. mult., Dr. sc. h. c. mult.
Specialist in oral, maxillofacial, and facial surgery, founder of the clinic, senior director

Martin Lanzer PD Dr. Dr. med. Dr. med. dent., eMBA
Specialist in oral, maxillofacial, and facial surgery, clinic director and CEO
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"After the surgery, I finally see the person I’ve always been on the inside. My confidence has increased tremendously, and I no longer hide from the world. Thank you to the team."
Angela B., Aesthetic Surgery Patient