Treatment of
Sleep Apnea
Sleep apnea affects millions of people throughout the world. It is a serious sleep disorder which causes breathing to stop during sleep, but is often only recognised after many years. This is not without risk, because breathing interruptions at night can lead to many different health problems.
In the field of maxillofacial surgery, the SailerClinic has specialised in the treatment of sleep apnea. Thanks to pioneering surgical procedures, such as the bimaxillary operation technique developed and continually optimised by Professor Sailer, we are opening up new perspectives in the treatment of this sleep disorder.
Sleep Apnea – What Is It?
Sleep apnoea causes recurrent breathing interruptions at night. These breathing interruptions during sleep last from a few seconds up to several minutes.
Scientific research distinguishes three main types of sleep apnea: the most common form is obstructive sleep apnea, or OSA for short. In this case, an anatomically caused narrowing of the upper respiratory tract leads to temporary blockages and breathing interruptions during sleep.
In another form of sleep apnea, known as upper airway resistance syndrome, sufferers wake up before their airways are completely blocked. Central sleep apnea (CSA), on the other hand, is based on a neurological component: a malfunction in the brain leads to inadequate breathing signals.
Symptoms and Causes of Sleep Apnea
Sleep apnea symptoms are usually not easily recognisable because they only occur during sleep.
The most common symptoms are:
- Breathing interruptions during sleep
- Tiredness during the day and sleep attacks
- Irritability
- Difficulty concentrating
- Frequent waking at night
- Loud snoring
- Morning headaches
- Heart attack
- Stroke
- Depression
- Obesity
- Lack of drive
- Increased urge to urinate
- Loss of libido
The symptoms and causes of sleep apnea vary greatly. Anatomical reasons, lifestyle or health conditions can all lead to sleep apnea.
The most common causes of sleep apnea include:
- Obesity and overweight – excess fat around the neck can narrow the airways
- Age, as the muscles in the throat become less elastic and breathing becomes more difficult
- Anatomical abnormalities such as an enlarged tongue, thickened neck or narrowing of the windpipe increase the risk of obstructive sleep apnoea
- Smoking and alcohol consumption can cause additional irritation of the airways, which can exacerbate mild sleep apnoea
Temporomandibular Joint Pain
Jaw joint pain and complaints such as teeth grinding or restricted mouth opening can be signs of a temporomandibular joint disorder (TMD). With individually tailored treatment methods, these complaints can be specifically alleviated and your quality of life improved.
Teeth Grinding and Clenching
Teeth grinding and clenching can lead to tension, dental damage, and long-term discomfort such as headaches or jaw problems. With targeted therapies, the SailerClinic helps treat the causes and sustainably improve your quality of life.
Neuralgia and Migraine
Neuralgia and migraines can significantly impact quality of life. At the SailerClinic, we offer holistic treatment approaches that also consider the connection between jaw surgery and these complaints. Discover how we can help you sustainably alleviate your symptoms.
Treatment for Snoring
Snoring not only affects sleep but can also pose health risks. With the innovative surgical method “Rotation Advancement,” the causes can be specifically treated to achieve a sustainable improvement in your sleep quality.
Philosophy of the SailerClinic
‘Every person has their own individual beauty, which they can enhance at any time if required’
Diagnosing Sleep Apnoea
Sleep apnoea is diagnosed through a combination of physical examination, anamnesis and sleep studies. During the polysomnographic and polygraphic examination, the different functions of the body during sleep are monitored – either in the sleep laboratory or in your own home.
Options for Sleep Apnoea Treatment
Treatment for sleep apnea is based on your individual needs and the severity and type of sleep apnea. The most common methods of sleep apnea treatment are:
Lifestyle changes: reducing or avoiding tobacco and alcohol consumption, losing weight and sleeping on your side.
CPAP therapy: Continuous positive airway pressure (CPAP) is a non-invasive sleep apnoea therapy that keeps the airways open during sleep.
Splints: A gentle forward displacement of the lower jaw clears the airways during sleep.
Treatment with Sleep Apnea Surgery
If conservative treatment options have been exhausted or if the sleep apnea is particularly severe, sleep apnea surgery can open up new therapeutic possibilities. In particular, bimaxillary procedures have proven to be an extremely effective treatment for obstructive sleep apnea.
What are Bimaxillary Procedures for Sleep Apnoea?
Bimaxillary surgery allows for the simultaneous correction of the upper and lower jaw. This technique is particularly successful when anatomical abnormalities in the jaw area trigger obstructive sleep apnea. During jaw position correction, the airways are widened, which reduces breathing interruptions during sleep.
Advantages of Bimaxillary Surgery for Sleep Apnea
Expansion of the airways: Due to the correction of the jaw position, the upper airway is enlarged so that the airways remain open and breathing stops during sleep are reduced.
An improvement in the position of the teeth and jaw through bimaxillary surgery leads to better chewing function and a harmonious facial shape.
Long-term results: sleep quality is significantly improved and breathing stops during sleep are reduced.
Process of the Bimaxillary Procedure
Before your procedure, we will perform an examination including X-rays and a 3D scan to analyse your individual jaw structure and create a customised treatment plan. The bimaxillary procedure is performed under general anaesthesia. During the procedure, we will correct your jawbones and fix them with screws and plates.
For the postoperative phase, you will receive customised instructions on pain therapy, oral hygiene and nutrition, which will optimally support the healing process. During regular follow-up examinations, we monitor the healing process and ensure that the desired treatment goal is achieved.
Sleep apnea can have a significant impact on your sleep and quality of life. That’s why the SailerClinic specialises in sleep apnea treatment and offers you a range of different treatment methods, which we use to meet your individual needs. Our spectrum includes sleep apnea treatment without a mask, therapy with a mask to prevent breathing interruptions, and surgery.
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