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Rhinoplasty (Nose Surgery)

Rhinoplasty is a reconstructive surgical procedure aimed at aesthetically optimizing the nose, which may need enhancement due to natural growth, an accident, or a tumor. A nose correction can also be performed to improve breathing.

Rhinoplasty requires craftsmanship and empathy.

More than in other forms of cosmetic facial surgery, rhinoplasty requires a skilled and highly experienced surgeon with many years of expertise. A competent surgeon is able to visualize the result in advance.

Duration of the treatment

60–90 minutes

Fit for everyday life

After 2 weeks

Follow-up treatment

Special splint for 1–2
weeks, nasal packing for 1–2 days.

Clinic stay


The most frequently asked questions

The duration of the procedure is typically 3 to 5 hours.

After about 2 weeks, you will be ready to resume daily activities. A special follow-up treatment with a splint is required for 1–2 weeks, and nasal packing is used for 1–2 days.

There are closed and open rhinoplasty procedures. For minimal changes, the nose is corrected using a closed technique with small incisions inside the nostrils. For larger changes, such as significant reduction of the nose, an open correction may be necessary.

Yes, with hyaluronic acid, minor aesthetic corrections can be made, such as lifting the nasal tip or concealing a nasal hump. This method is purely cosmetic and is often referred to as the “5-minute rhinoplasty.”

Yes, a rhinoplasty can help with impaired nasal breathing, such as in the case of a deviated septum. Additional examinations, such as a CT scan and rhinomanometry, are often conducted to assess the condition.

The costs are individual and depend on the type and complexity of the procedure, as well as your personal preferences. A detailed consultation and planning are necessary beforehand to determine the exact costs.

"There is no 'one-size-fits-all' nose."

SailerClinic has already gained worldwide recognition in the field of complex facial deformity surgery and has successfully performed several thousand nose surgeries. The great art of rhinoplasty lies in fulfilling the wishes and needs of the patients. Here, the patient always comes first, not the surgeon. Unfortunately, many surgeons try to model the same “nose” for all patients. A good surgeon listens to their patients and strives to give them what they desire, but only as far as it can be responsibly implemented.

Preparations and Initial Consultation

In line with Professor Sailer’s philosophy, a surgical and artistic approach is taken in nose surgeries. During the first consultation, he addresses questions, discusses expectations, and potential outcomes. Following that, a thorough clinical examination of the nose is performed to jointly determine the desired and feasible changes.

This approach is important to collaboratively determine the necessary measures with you. Only in this way can rhinoplasty be successfully performed and existing issues be addressed.

The planning of a rhinoplasty in Switzerland is individualized.

To ensure comprehensive surgical planning, the nose is photographed from different perspectives, and a 3D image of the nose is created. Additionally, a cephalogram (a scaled lateral X-ray image) is always taken. This is the only way to assess the result both pre- and postoperatively. The 3D image of the nose is very helpful in discussing the patient’s wishes, as it allows for the visualization of certain planned changes.

A thorough analysis and examination of the nose is essential to perform a perfect rhinoplasty. Only in this way can the new structure of your nose be determined together with you, while simultaneously addressing any existing issues.

In rhinoplasty, it is important to understand the structure of your nose, which consists of cartilage, bone, muscles, and ligaments, as well as their interrelationships. Additionally, it is crucial to ensure that the nasal function is improved or maintained during the nasal correction.

Certainly, every patient desires that the aesthetic rhinoplasty meets their personal expectations. Whether this ideal can be achieved depends on several factors. The most important factor in nasal correction is ensuring that the nasal function is maintained, which sets medical limits for rhinoplasty.

Other factors that influence the outcome include the skin texture, tissue regeneration, and individual wound healing, all of which affect the final appearance of the corrected nose. Additionally, it is important to consider whether the nose has been operated on before. If this is the case, there may already be scars and/or changes in the blood flow to the nose.

In the reconstruction of the nasal framework, it may be necessary to use “tissue material.” This tissue is typically bone or cartilage, which is taken from the nose itself or the ears. For more extensive rhinoplasty procedures, this tissue may also be taken from other areas. During a detailed consultation, you will be informed about the best approach for your individual case.

Before-and-after pictures

How is a rhinoplasty performed?

Currently, there are various methods available to gently correct a nose. “Ultrasonic knives” or very fine surgical instruments can be used. These allow for the gentle and precise cutting of bone, resulting in minimal swelling or bruising. The nasal tip can also be shaped gently and easily using these techniques.

For a long time, the nose was corrected using the “open” principle, meaning an incision was made along the nasal bridge to expose the nasal framework. Only after that was the nose reshaped. Today, this approach is avoided whenever possible. The nose is corrected using the “closed” technique, which involves very small incisions inside the nostrils. However, if significant changes to the nose are necessary, an open correction may be required. This is the case when a very large nose is drastically reduced. The type of rhinoplasty performed depends on the nature of the correction needed. You will receive detailed information during a consultation.

At the beginning, a precise overall and facial planning must be done. This examination and surgical planning are chargeable. Professor Sailer analyzes the face and facial structures using scaled X-ray images and thoroughly discusses the patient’s wishes and their feasibility.
Using a lateral X-ray image (cephalogram), Professor Sailer simulates the procedure. This simulation provides the patient with a more detailed understanding of the treatment process and offers a possible idea of the postoperative appearance.

Non-Surgical Rhinoplasty in Zurich

In a non-surgical rhinoplasty, the nose is carefully sculpted using hyaluronic acid. This procedure is often referred to as the “5-minute rhinoplasty.” During the hyaluronic acid nose correction, the acid is precisely injected with a fine needle into the areas of the nose that need correction, such as the nasal bridge or tip. Hyaluronic acid acts as a filling material. Non-surgical rhinoplasty is typically used to lift a drooping nasal tip, conceal a nasal hump, or perform a nasal bridge narrowing. It is purely an aesthetic procedure.

Rhinoplasty for Impaired Nasal Breathing

If the problem is that nasal breathing is impaired due to a deviated septum (septum deviation), a CT scan of the nose and/or sinuses should always be performed. Rhinomanometry (a measurement procedure to determine airflow resistance through the nose) is often also required. During rhinoplasty in Zurich, all these measures are taken to help you achieve unobstructed nasal breathing.

Trust the team at SailerClinic, renowned for the best rhinoplasties in Switzerland. A rhinoplasty always requires a holistic approach to the patient. This allows the nose to be ideally adjusted to the facial proportions. On our website, you will find photos of rhinoplasties, as well as before-and-after pictures of nasal corrections.
A rhinoplasty always requires precise, comprehensive facial planning. Depending on the complexity, a rhinoplasty may be performed minimally invasively or openly in the area of the nasal bridge. For this reason, the cost of a rhinoplasty is individual and depends on your wishes and needs, as well as the type of procedure.

Your expert team

Hermann F. Sailer
Prof. Dr. med., Dr. med. dent., Dr. h. c. mult., Dr. sc. h. c. mult.

Specialist in oral, maxillofacial, and facial surgery, founder of the clinic, senior director

Martin Lanzer
PD Dr. Dr. med. Dr. med. dent., eMBA

Specialist in oral, maxillofacial, and facial surgery, clinic director and CEO

Do you have questions? Contact us.

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"After the surgery, I finally see the person I’ve always been on the inside. My confidence has increased tremendously, and I no longer hide from the world. Thank you to the team."

Angela B., Aesthetic Surgery Patient