The relationship between the upper and lower jaw and their position in the skull not only shape our appearance, but are also fundamental for bodily functions such as speaking, chewing and breathing. When this balance is disturbed, we speak of malocclusion or, in technical jargon, of a dysgnathia. At our SailerClinic in Zurich, we have specialised in correcting malocclusions and making your facial profile look harmonious again.
What Is A Malocclusion?
A malocclusion, medically termed dysgnathia, is more than just an incorrect tooth position. It arises from incorrect positioning of the upper and/or lower jaw in relation to the entire facial skull. One of the jaws may be too far forward or backward, which leads to characteristic misalignments of the teeth. An abnormality in the jaw may be congenital, a growth disorder, or may have occurred as a result of an accident or an operation. The extent of an incorrect bite becomes particularly clear when the teeth are closed – for example, if the upper teeth come to rest behind the lower teeth.
Duration of the treatment
2–3 Hours
Fit for everyday life
After 10 days
Follow-up treatment
Suture removal after 14 days, lymphatic drainage, and special dressing
Clinic stay
The most frequently asked questions
What is a misbite and how does it occur?
A misbite, medically known as dysgnathia, is an incorrect positioning of the upper and/or lower jaw in relation to the facial skull. It can be congenital, result from growth disorders, or be the consequence of an accident or surgery.
What impairments can occur due to a misbite?
A misbite can complicate oral hygiene, affect eating, and cause improper load distribution on the teeth and jaw joints. This can lead to loose or missing teeth, headaches, back pain, and breathing problems.
How is a misbite treated?
The treatment often involves a combination of orthodontic measures and surgical procedures. After preliminary treatment by an orthodontist, the misbite is surgically corrected to achieve a harmonious jaw position and an improved facial profile.
How does the surgery for misbite correction work?
The surgery is performed as an inpatient procedure under general anesthesia. During the surgery, the upper or lower jaw is repositioned and secured with metal plates. After the surgery, the bite is stabilized with loose rubber bands. The metal plates are removed in a brief procedure after about six months.
What does the aftercare look like after a misbite surgery?
In the first six weeks, you should only consume very soft food and avoid physical exertion. Afterward, orthodontic follow-up treatment is carried out to further adjust the bite and ensure an optimal result.
How long does the entire misbite treatment take?
The treatment can take up to one and a half years, including pre- and post-treatment. The exact duration depends on the individual case. The team at SailerClinic will be with you throughout the entire process to sustainably improve your quality of life.
A Malocclusion Is Not Just an Aesthetic Issue but Also a Functional Problem
The position of the jaw in relation to each other and to the facial skull significantly affects the appearance of the facial profile. To treat a very pronounced malocclusion permanently, a purely orthodontic treatment method using removable or fixed braces is not sufficient. The full extent of the malocclusion only becomes visible after the end of growth. As a rule, a combination of orthodontic and maxillofacial surgery is necessary to correct the jaw malocclusion.
Pre-treatment by an orthodontist can already take place during the growth phase. Here, the misalignment of the teeth is corrected by a brace. Subsequently, the jaw misalignment can be corrected by means of maxillofacial surgery. In order to successfully perform this correction, close cooperation between the surgeons in the field of the jaw, mouth and face is necessary.
What Are the Impacts of a Malocclusion and What Is the Goal of Treatment?
Malocclusion always results in functional impairment. It not only makes oral hygiene more difficult due to the misalignment of the teeth, but also makes eating more difficult. In addition, individual teeth are subjected to uneven pressure, causing them to loosen or fall out.
The incorrect position of the jaw in the skull can also cause incorrect loading of the temporomandibular joints, as well as neck, head and back pain. Those affected often breathe through the mouth for long periods of time, causing further health problems. As a result, dentures and implants are also more difficult to insert.
The aim of malocclusion treatment is to restore the balance between the masticatory muscles and the temporomandibular joints, which also leads to a more harmonious facial profile. In the case of a severe misalignment of the jaw, malocclusion correction can also correct a prominent or receding chin.
Before-and-after pictures

The Malocclusion Treatment Process
After a thorough anamnesis, a detailed consultation is held with our patients. Together with you, we define the goal and the treatment plan to correct your malocclusion. If the malocclusion has to be corrected surgically because orthodontic treatment is insufficient, a surgeon will be consulted during the consultation. Our team is looking forward to answering your questions and finding the best solution for you.
In many cases, orthodontic pretreatment is necessary to create the best conditions for the surgical procedure. If necessary, teeth may have to be extracted or braces may have to be fitted to hold the teeth in the correct position after the operation. In either case, the orthodontist will prepare the teeth so that the jaws are optimally positioned in relation to each other after the operation and so that there is no risk of a relapse into the previous bite position.
Malocclusion Jaw Surgery
After all preparatory measures have been taken, the operation is performed on an inpatient basis under general anaesthesia. For this purpose, the orthodontist and the oral and maxillofacial surgeon have previously determined the target position based on the X-ray images and jaw models. During the operation, the upper or lower jaw is repositioned and fixed with metal plates and screws. After that, loose rubber bands are used for further fixation to allow food intake during the next few days. Depending on the type of procedure, a few days of inpatient care may be required.
Post-Surgery Care
During the first six weeks after the operation, you should only eat very soft food and avoid heavy physical exertion. You will also receive instructions and tips for pain management, oral hygiene and nutrition to ensure optimal healing after the malocclusion treatment.
Orthodontic Follow-up Treatment
A few weeks after the procedure, the orthodontic follow-up treatment begins, in which the bite is fine-tuned using small movements. After about six months, the metal plates are removed in a short inpatient procedure. If further profile improvements such as a chin shift or a nose correction are necessary, now is the ideal time to do so.
Duration and Risks
Although malocclusion is not an immediately life-threatening condition, it can significantly impair quality of life. Nevertheless, it is important to weigh up the possible risks of an operation in advance. In addition to the risks associated with any operation, postoperative haemorrhaging, wound infections, swelling and scarring may occur. If you would like to have a malocclusion corrected, you should be patient – the entire treatment can take up to a year and a half. We will be happy to answer any questions you may have during a consultation. We look forward to improving your quality of life and giving your face an appealing harmony.
Your expert team

Martin Lanzer PD Dr. Dr. med. Dr. med. dent., eMBA
Specialist in oral, maxillofacial, and facial surgery, clinic director and CEO

Hermann F. Sailer Prof. Dr. med., Dr. med. dent., Dr. h. c. mult., Dr. sc. h. c. mult.
Specialist in oral, maxillofacial, and facial surgery, founder of the clinic, senior director
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"After the surgery, I finally see the person I’ve always been on the inside. My confidence has increased tremendously, and I no longer hide from the world. Thank you to the team."
Angela B., Aesthetic Surgery Patient